Services offered:

      System Design:                To BS 5839 Part 1 and Part 6

                                                          Creation of Drawing Proposals.

                                                          Consultation with Relevant Bodies.

       Consultation:                     Discussion and advice over all aspects of existing

                                                          and new systems to meet relevant requirements

                                                          and regulations.


       Equipment Supply:              Fire Alarm Control Panels. Gas Extinguishing Panels

                                                          Power Supplies and Batteries.

                                                          Detectors Sounders and Speech Based Sounders

                                                          Gas valve and Special Interfaces.


       Installation of Systems:    To British Standard BS5839.

                                                          Fire Alarm Control panels: To BS EN54. 

                                                          Mains Linked 240-volt  (combined with/without radio

                                                          link) smoke and heat detectors.

                                                          Smoke alarms comply with: BS 5446: Pt.1: 2000

                                                          Heat alarms comply with: BS 5446: Pt.2: 2003 

           Maintenance:                                        The majority of all fire alarm systems can be
